Hi Michael

With that OS someone could log into his computer and upgrade for him... :D

Seriously, though, you do have three paths here :

1. Push IE6

2. Make it work in IE5. It may be simple,  I have a feeling it is this :
font-size : smaller;

Try small as a starter. I've been tooling with body { font-size : small} and then font-size : 90% on some sites and it works ok.

IE5 on Win is the 2nd ranked browser so we can't ignore it unfortunately even if it is a dud.

3. Get him to check his default font-sizes. If this is the only IE5 user with a problem he may have his default font-size set to very small.
As most sites specify a px then this would override his default choice.


Michael Kear wrote:

What do you guys think I should do about this ..

A user has logged into my bluegrass Australia web site as a member
(http://bluegrass.org.au )  and says when he logs in, he can't read the site
any more, because the text is too small and the menus don't work properly.
The menus don't work properly because I have a javascript error, that's
under control, I can fix that. But the font size thing is a bit of a worry.
I asked him about his environment and here's what he said he has:

Intel Celeron 650 meg processor, ATI graphics card, 256 meg RAM, Mitsubishi
monitor. I run windows 98, IE 5.

Here's how I see it. I can:

[A]  say he's got IE5, tell him to take a jump because he needs to upgrade.
(I've done that, but if there's another answer that's easy I'd like to do
that too - he's not alone)

[B] just let him lump it and use the CTRL-Wheel to increase the font size

[C] change the style sheets to accommodate IE5 users.

So what's your suggestions about how I can handle this?  I'm not against
telling him 'tough - upgrade your browser!'  but if there's a fix that's
fairly easy I'd like to consider that.

The site is at http://bluegrass.org.au <http://bluegrass.org.au/> and
I've set up a membership for you to try .. user: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pass: member

The style sheets are :

Main pages: http://bluegrass.org.au/styles/Bluegrass_Australia.css

Menus: http://bluegrass.org.au/styles/cssjsmenu.css

Menus hover: http://bluegrass.org.au/styles/cssjsmenuhover.css

Yes, I know it's not valid html, but I don't think that's why this problem
has come about.  To get the html to validate is a big job here, so I'm
working towards that as fast as  I can.


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia


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