Hi Mark,

I am new to the group and if this topic has been discussed ad nauseam - I do
apologize for raising it again.

See my response to ActiveX here:

XStandard Development Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Stanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:17 PM
Subject: RE: [WSG] Serving XHTML as application/xhtml+xml

> Oh dear... I didn't want to get into this argument again.
> > Did you know that your statement "XHTML is currently a waste
> > of time. It might be useful in a few years" promotes the use
> > of IE? It certainly doesn't promote the use of
> > standards-compliant XHTML browsers like
> > Mozilla/Firefox/Opera. For the first time, these browsers
> > have a technological advantage over IE and you are missing
> > it. Do you happen to work in Redmond by any chance?
> Rubbish. I use Firefox as my primary browser & actively encourage the use
> it and other "standards compliant" browsers where ever I can.
> My mention of IE was a specific answer to a specific question about IE. My
> comment "XHTML is currently a waste of time. It might be useful in a few
> years" has almost nothing to do with IE.
> Please read http://www.hixie.ch/advocacy/xhtml.
> > Anyway, too many people focus on browsers and their ability
> > to consume XHTML. Today, the real benefit of XHTML is on the
> > content production side.
> Sorry - I thought that thread was about which mime types to use in serving
> XHTML to browsers? Content production is not relevant on this list. Please
> use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list if you which to discuss content
> production and the like.
> > Without XHTML, the average Web developer could not parse
> > content for re-purposing because HTML makes parsing
> > difficult. Here is an example of how some of our customers
> > build Web sites (it would be impossible for them to do this
> > if the content was in HTML): they have a single script (PHP,
> > ASP, etc) that provides the layout of the page and sucks-up
> > content from a data store.
> >
> > Depending on the type of document (FAQs, press release, staff
> > list, etc), they run an XSLT to re-format the content.  For
> > example, for FAQs, the XSLT goes through each header, anchors
> > it and creates a list of hyperlinks at the top of the page to
> > jump to each FAQ. You can only do this if you author your
> > content in XHTML.
> We're off topic here, but HTML 4.1 is only ever one step away from XHTML
> (HTML Tidy & jTidy) so your argument about things being impossible if
> using HTML is incorrect. People have been taking this approach (markup ->
> transform -> publish) to content management for years (see DocBook, SGML,
> etc...), it nothing new.
> Some alternative approaches:
> http://www.biglist.com/lists/xsl-list/archives/199905/threads.html#00229
> http://www.google.com/search?&q=wordML+XSL
> http://www.google.com/search?&q=docbook+XSL
> XSLT is very useful, but it relies on XML not XHTML. So maybe "You can
> transform content with XSLT if you author your content in XML." might be
> more accurate?
> I do understand your point and in the situation that you have mentioned
> XHTML is useful. But this is only one specific scenario and its not
> to the original post.
> > Mark, you made a bold statement, so I will counter with a
> > statement just as bold - Authoring content in HTML
> > immediately devalues that content, because as soon as you
> > capture content in HTML it become legacy data, difficult to
> > parse and difficult to re-purpose.
> Ok, maybe I should have said HTML 4.1 is the right choice for *delivering
> web documents to web browsers* at the moment. I don't care what format or
> systems people use to author and manage their content - I am simply
> about what should be reaching browsers.
> > Regards,
> > -Vlad
> > XStandard Development Team
> > The first standards-based XHTML 1.1 WYSIWYG editor
> I like your product very much (I downloaded a copy the other day), but I
> find it a little ironic that you point the finger at me saying I work for
> Redmond when your product based entirely on Microsoft's ActiveX
> I don't want to argue about any of this, its been done 100 times before &
> certainly don't want to get personal. The only reason I am writing this
> email is that I expressed an opinion and I don't particularly enjoy having
> it misrepresented. I am not anti XHTML in any way - I've followed its
> development closely for a couple of years & am very excited about the
> possibilities that has opened up.
> I don't feel the web is ready for it yet.
> Cheers
> Mark
> ------------------
> Mark Stanton
> Technical Director
> Gruden Pty Ltd
> Tel: 9956 6388
> Mob: 0410 458 201
> Fax: 9956 8433
> http://www.gruden.com
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