Hi all,

I'm playing around with some web pages which have a wrapper div centering the entire web page contents via margin: auto;.

My experience and testing with this method has led me to believe that's it's virtually flawless -- until I looked at my current page (and others) in Firefox 0.8 on Win XP.

The bug:

While viewing http://www.simplebits.com/ , http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/ , or any other site which uses this method on Firefox 0.8 under Windows XP, there's something definitely wrong.

- At 1280 x 1024, the layouts are perfectly centred with no problems.

- At 1024 x 768, the layouts are a *little* off-centre to the right.

- At 800 x 600, the layouts are a *lot* off-centre to the right, with content disappearing off the right side -- and worse still, no scroll bars are enabled to allow me to view the missing content.

The bug is not present in Mozilla 1.6 or Mac Firebird, but given the amount of fixed-width, centred sites using this method, I'm thinking this is a big problem :)

Is there a work-around, or do we just wait for the next release, and hope that people don't stick with 0.8 for ever?

PS: had a quick look in Bugzilla, but couldn't find anything related.

Justin French

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