
To say that anyone concerned with accessibility should have JavaScript enabled **utterly misses the point**. Accessibility is about providing access to the content for the widest possible number of users, regardless of how they're accessing it.

Hmm.. well Justin your missing my point. I did not use those words. My point was if a page was designed for JavaScript to be used, then disabling it, is to your own disadvantage.

A perfect example is the steady increase of browsers and tools for mobile phones and PDAs... most of them come without javascript (or at least a very limited subset),

Your perfect PDA example is why we use alternative stylesheets to offer content to alternative media. Web standards advocate that content be separate for presentation and I'd proactively add navigation to that.

By providing content in a way that can only be accessed with a javascript enabled web browser, you're making you content inaccessible to all users.

A point I have never personally disagreed with. In fact I never use Javascript for anything when CSS or server side PHP can do the same thing.

You may not care, but *that* is accessibility.

I don't know where this came from... Justin I am physically disabled and as a person with disabilities, I ALWAYS care about accessibility and not just on web pages.

Your mouseover-javascript-piece-of-magic-widget probably requires the fluid use of a mouse (which ignores the fact that not every one has perfect motor skills), probably has tiny fonts that break the layout when enlarged for visually impaired users, etc.

This is just outright insulting to me because I don't use JavaScript for menus, so it's not mine your talking about, and personally I think the size of the type on this email or at most accessibility oriented web sites, is way too small.

;-) Leo

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