Hi! I tested your website and it's looking nice ;)

One problem though, I viewed the "about us" in 1024 X 768 resolution and
it looked fine, however, in anything less (e.g. 800 X 600) the padding was
a bit overwhelming! (>_<) The paragraph became a bit to skinny.

Apart from that it was clear and concise. I like it (^_^)

Darian Cabot
Cabot Consultants Pty Ltd
Software Engineer / Website Design

>   hello again!
> I have recently redesigned my business web site using CSS.   I was
> looking for some feedback.  http://www.virtualtasks.com
> The biggest obstacle I ran  into was on the  "about us " Page. I am
> wondering if  I over used the  "padding" command.
>   When responding to use this e-mail address also! I am  on the daily
> digest for this newsgroup. so there's always a delay when reading
> others responses. Thanks  a bunch!
>   all my best,
> Teresa
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