Is there no program which replaces the Internet Explorer render engine with the Gecko engine?

I thought about copying firefox.exe to replace iexplore.exe just to see if I could use Gecko for active desktop :) I then thought it was a BadIdea.

As IE is fairly closed source, it would prove rather difficult (if not impossible) to replace the rendering engine with that of another browser. At the risk of going extremely off topic (and if anyone wants to continue this line of discussion I request we do it off list), one could probably reverse engineer the libraries that all the IE components call upon and provide the same function calls with the same data constraints, but it's no simple task trying to rebuild IE and it's probably going to violate an uncountable number of license agreements and laws while coming up with a product that will almost undoubtedly wind up being even buggier than what we already have - so it's just not worth trying.

It really belongs on a C/C++ list relating to IE/Win32 internals and not here though.

|Adam Carmichael, A+, 2xMCP (Windows 2000), Cert IV Helpdesk Admin |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] /( _,-----,_ )\ _| |_ /,|| |
|#1 Computer Services \`/ \'/ _| |_ || |
|BSD/UNIX & Cisco Network Engineer\ /,\ /,\ / | | _||_ |
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