I happen to be one of "those people" and I can say that the practice is
under utilized by the programming industry as a whole. And I am neither anal
nor ANAL, it is simply the method of coding I like to use once I have a page
developed to a point I no I will only be touching it up here and there.

As I stated previously, I look at it as building a rocket to go to the moon
- you want light but solid and reliable. I HATE bloat and that is all the
stuff that makes code pretty and "easily readable" by inexperienced
programmers does.

If some one wants to review the code they can take the few seconds to do a
find "}" and replace with "[return]}[return]"
find "{" and replace with "[space]{[space][return]"
find ";" and replace with ";[return] [space] [space] [space] [space]"
find ":" and replace with ":[space]
find "," and replace with ",[space]

And you have the css stylesheet "decrunched" to the point it is "fat" pretty

And with html, PHP and JAVA, I do the same thing wherever possible.

I always use this as a challenge to people - build a little 4-page site to
play with under the following rules:
Less than three http requests per page
Uses advanced technologies to make the site "visually interesting and is not
just "plain text."
1 css file - under one packet in size (less than 1160 bytes)
Page loads in under 5 seconds on 56k

Once you do that than optimize it to be as tiny as possible - how small can
you get it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Turnbull [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:35 PM
Subject: RE: [WSG] Trimming the fat from CSS

> Nick Lo wrote:
> Does everyone else on the list do this?
> For the sake of 11k that is cached on the first page load it seems a
> little drastic

I would agree its not going to save much, having readable code is much
more important, I wonder if people who do this also remove all
spaces/tabs within the html code

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