
I am trying to add a back to top of page link to PHP dynamically generated
pages. The header and footers for these page never change so the anchor is
in the header and the link in the footer.

Header Anchor:

<a name="top"></a>

HARD CODE link used in the body of the static pages (which I want to pull
out to place in the footer!)

<a href="index.php?main_page=index#top" title="Back to Top"><img
src="images/button_top.gif" alt="Back to top" width="86" height="20"
border="0" class="rollover" /></a>

Now my PHP skills are weak but growing stronger, which is why I am asking
for the help here. As the pages are long in many cases (requiring two or
more page-downs), I desperately want to improve accessibility by including
the back to top link on all pages.

So what I want to make happen is to is have the <a href= tag
index.php?main_page=index (or whatever page this happens to be on) filled in
by the php and then add the #top at the end so that is it all autonomous and
I can put this on ANY and all pages)

While I have it working in some pages as a hard coded link, I can't figure
out what to place where in regards to the PHP. I am trying
basename($PHP_SELF) but am lost now as I am over my head here.


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