This particular page ( that I am currently working on works fine in Firefox but not in IE/Mac or IE6/PC, giving me different errors in each.

The code validates XHTML 1.1 as well as the CSS, but in IE/Mac, the main content shifts 300px away from the side menu, rather than 300px away from the left side of the viewport. The side menu is positioned absolutely and shouldn't influence the content's positioning.

In IE6/PC, the side menu shifts a few hundred pixels right, sitting smack behind my h1 element. The footer does not give me the 120px top margin like I specified, so the barcode graphic doesn't sit on the whitespace that is supposed to be there.

I am guessing there is some sort of inheritance issue here. I set ids on the body tags to customise the pages. I've searched the web extensively and my eyes are pretty much about to pop out of their sockets.

Any one of you out there knows what's going on?



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