Link on csscreatorAs a perpetual student, my advice is to drop out
only if you can do so without leaving it on your records.
Potential employers do not like unfinished education even if your
reasons are valid. They will find out whether or not you include
it on your resumé.


Gabriel Vasquez wrote:

>Hi Everyone, I apologize if this is off topic but this is one of
the few
>places that I would be able to talk to web designers and get
their opinions
>on this.
>I've been attending school to get an Associates degree in Digital
Media. The
>program is 18 months and ranges from html to 3d graphics. I'm
already more
>than halfway through my courses, but I find that I hit a road
block; I'm not
>really learning anything. We are just now getting into *basic*
css, and
>javascript in dreamweaver (which I already know how to do, even
though I
>prefer to hand-code). The program is now focusing on 3D animation
but that's
>really not what I'm into at all. I just want to do web design:
xhtml, css,
>ECMAScript/DOM, etc. -- no more, no less. I don't feel I should
spend the
>money for something I'm not getting anything out of.
>My question to you is this: Do you think it would be wise for me
to finish
>the program and get the degree even though I'm not learning what
I want to
>be learning, or should I just call it off and focus on web
>TIA in advanced for your feedback!
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