Apologies for the delay...

The first Brisbane meeting was a huge success. We had 28 people attend,
which is quite an achievement for a first meeting.

Tony Alsett did a great presentation on floats and forms. You can check out
the powerpoint presentation at the meeting minutes page:

A huge thanks to Tony for his presentation, and the two official Brisbane
organisers Gary Menzel and Lea de Groot for organising the event. Also
thanks to Vaughn who helped set up and do some radical cross-city Brisbane

Two people have already volunteered to do presentations at upcoming
meetings. Gary and Lea will let us know more about this in the future.

Here are some of the URL's that were mentioned during the presentation:

CSS Creator:

CSS layout generator:

Tony's article on clearing floats

Tony's article now also appears on PositionisEverything:

Here are some of the URL's that were mentioned during the discussions

3 pixel text-jog bug:

Styling form widgets:

Basic information about box model and Doctype modes:

Finally, thanks to everyone who turned up!
Russ and Peter

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See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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