I run site that is for the most part wrapped around a shopping cart – as such, each page can contain a HELL of a lot of links – particularly when accessing the categories section of the available products. However despite this, I want to improve the site accessibility as much as possible. I realize that this won’t be an overnight thing and will be more an an evolutionary process, but the site design is where we want it and now it is time to do this. Especially as we are an e-commerce store – and if they can read or understand your content better over your competitors, then they’ll shop with you!!! J


My dilemma is this – where do I start? I know that I am in better shape than most sites to start out with, but not perfect by any means and no where near WAI certification yet (which is an eventual goal). I am using the WAI as a guide, but as descriptive as it is, there is just so much there it is hard to digest!!!!


Overall, I am looking to approach this in steps, satisy and achieve Priority 1 checkpoints, then 2 and eventually Priority 3.


I have found one free text to speech plug-in (well it is code on my end) that looks promising - http://speaksforitself.com/speaksforitself/download.cfm - any recommendations in this area??? The code seems easy enough to implement.


Reduntant links – not applicable as we don’t use any image maps on the site.


Access Keys – as mentioned the pages have a lot of links, so I am kind of intimidated by that task and not sure if I should only do some links or try to do them all?!?


Long descriptions – only a few images across the site are complex enough to justifiably need this, so I am okay there.


Color scheme – The site over all is pretty high contrast and uses shades of one color throughout so I THINK things are okay there


90% of the images have ALT or TITLE tags attributed to them and the rest are being updated to include those as well.


Alternate CSS – a possibility but not really needed as far as I can tell due to the high contrast used in the design of the site overall.


Braille – don’t even know where to begin on this.




Brian Grimmer


Website: http://www.thegrafixguy.com



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