Before I launch our new, standards-compliant web site, I would like to get
some feedback from the folks on this list.  (Because you guys rock ;) )

I was hired a couple of months ago to remake our current site: .  This site is a prime example of 1990's era

The new site is here:

Sorry to be a pain, but it will require a username and password:

User:  wsg
Pass: wsg

As you can see I'm trying to move the company into the 21st century.

I am interested in comments about the look/layout/code/usability, etc.

I am particularly interested in anyone checking it out who has dialup.  Is
it too slow?

No one at our company knows anything about web standards, and when I tried
explaining it to them, I got blank stares.  I was told that as long as I
made it look better and have the features they wanted, they didn't care how
I made it.  This 'blank check' allowed me to do some experimenting, for
which I am grateful.

Thanks in advance for your input,

Will Chatham
Ingles Markets

828.669.2941 - ext.534 
The discussion list for
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