> How are people handling putting quotes on q tags?
> I used a quote yesterday and while moz (I think) and Safari both had
> quotes built in, IE did not. Is there a definitive approach?
> I though I might do it manually (and thus reliably), but setting
> q {
>   quotes: none;
>  }
> didnt seem to affect the compliant browsers.

This works in Firefox 0.8, no idea about other browsers:

q:before, q:after {
        content: "";

> Lea
> ~ and if anyone can tell me what to call the little blocks of
> text that
> are pulled out and the surrounding paragraph wraps around it,
> I will be
> forever in your debt! Makes googling difficult when you can't remember
> what the silly things are called

Pull quotes?

 Lindsay Evans.
 Red Square Productions.

 [p] 8596.4000
 [f] 8596.4001
 [w] www.redsquare.com.au

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