hiya, this is hopefully a simple little problem - but my brain is refusing to work today :)
on this test page...
http://c41.com.au/test/position_test.html (yep, validated)
...is the example of the problem (i've stripped out all the extra html/css to make it easier for you to peruse)
I want the blue box to appear at the bottom left of the red box (so its inside the red box) - and i want the text to overlap it.
In IE6 PC, the blue box appears at the bottom of the content - so, outside the blue box altogether, not good.
In Mozilla the blue box appears in the right spot but it overlaps the text. I need it the other way around so the text overlaps the blue box.
Now, I'm aware of a little "hack" if you add "width:100%" to the ".main" div the blue box pops up into the desired position in IE, but
a) I'd rather not apply a width and
b) that hack still leaves the blue box overlapping the text (and i've tried fiddling with z-index, see the example)

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