Horses for courses - you build what will attract your client's audience - if the client requires a site for a niche audience with it's own characteristics (as long as these are known not just assumed) then a lot of the usual cliches about not losing part of the potential audience MAY not apply. There must be some people out there who actually like sitting through flash animations - just like the movie companies must have done audience research that proves that most of us like sitting through endless clever animated sequences that eventually get you to the menu screen on a DVD.

When I started working on websites the woman who took me on said just remember that there are millions of idiots out there who will burn up their phone bill and sit for ages waiting to see a fake image of Gillian Anderson's privates slowly reveal itself on screen but they're unlikely to be still waiting on your ever-so-neat price list and order form for home delivered pizza to materialise.

As basic advice it's worked for me


06:28 05/06/2004, you wrote:
Hey list,

I have something which has been a major topic of discussion between a friend and I.
I am currently working on a promotions website - promoting for Sydney Nightclubs (R&B Scene)
To knuckle down and get to the point - Do I use webstandards and efficent coding to make the website...
Or do I use Flash, Verbose Table Layouts, Lots of Images & Animations etc... To get people interested.

Really it is a question of - do I make the website for viewer enjoyment, or for the widest viewer spectrum.

I am not sure if many of you would be in the same situation, but I can imagine it has come up at least once with us all before.
Whether its a news website, or a Hosting companies website...

My situation is a very sticky one - Clubbers dont want web standards, they want to see - what they can't have - lots of pictures help, and sounds are good (ambient music, on/off switch of course).

My website hasn't begun yet, although I have some rough ideas, one which my friend came up with:
I think its great, doesnt use flash or anything.
It was an eye opener thinking it was as simple as it was.
It works in FireFox (exept sound) which is good...
But the fact that it looks good with such a simply design.

What are your opinions - and can you lend me any assistance.
Web Standars are very important to me, and I would much rather use standards compliant code, than make 10 extra people per 100 happy because there is a boxed layout (like the demo website)...
I could code that in CSS, but it wouldn't be as solid as it is with Tables.

Let me know what you all think!


Chris Stratford.

web-arts: the art & craft of web design

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