Ward Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> It seems that whenever I try to fix a problem in Mozilla, then IE breaks. 

There's a very good reason for that... Because you are using the xml prolog,
IE is being forced into "quirks" mode rendering, not standards compliance mode
- that is, you're making IE6 behave like IE5, with all of the buggy rendering.
A good explanation of that is at:
If there is *anything* at all, even a comment, before the doctype declaration,
IE6 will go into quirks mode.

In actual fact, Mozilla is behaving correctly. I'm betting that if you remove
the xml prolog, IE will start breaking too.

The reason why it's breaking is that you're setting the width of your
breadcrumbs div to be 600px, and then setting the padding to 3px, which gets
added to the declared width (making the div 606px wide, which is 4 pixels too
many for the 602px container). IE6 in quirks mode (and IE5) calculate the css
box model incorrectly by *including* padding and borders in the declared
width. Other browsers (and IE6 in standards rendering mode) *add* padding and
borders to the declared width. More info here:

Actually, I would probably simplify your layout a little and attack the
problem a different way, perhaps by removing the explicit widths on some of
the elements and applying the right hand blue stripe to a container element.
Your nav, top and texas divs are a little unnecessary as they only contain one
element each - rather than having the #nav div with an unordered list, try
losing the div and apply the id directly to the ul.  

I'm a little hungover right now, and the box model/quirks mode explanation
above has used up most of my brain glucose so please excuse my lack of a
better suggestion. Fix up the rendering mode issue and you'll be on the right
track. I hope this makes sense!


Kay Smoljak

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