Kay wrote:
> > Designing for Web Standards
> I can't recommend Jeffrey Zeldman's "Designing for Web Standards"
> enough. It's the absolute bees knees :)

ditto, very good book, my copy is making the rounds at work, everybody is very 
positive.  It has not made it into the hands of the one and only tables lives guy yet.

also: "Web Design on a Shoestring" by Carrie Bickner, or how to rebuild the NY Public 
Library websites, with two people and no budget.

> > CSS
"More Eric Meyer on CSS" learnt more CSS reading this than anything in the past few 
months and Kay next time I go to a Port-80 meeting I bring it along. 

"Defensive Design for the Web" as Andy says contingency design is not sexy, but this 
is a very readable book on the subject.  (When "More Eric Meyer on CSS" getting heavy 
going on the bus on the way home I switch to this).

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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