Longdesc points to another file with the longer description.  It is not to
be used as a place for a long sentence.  Therefore this is incorrect:  <img
src="http://www.t94xr.net.nz/private/slingshot.jpg"; alt="" longdesc="An
image that shows that i have downloaded 2.4GB on 56k dialup in a month." />

When a short text equivalent does not suffice to adequately convey the
function or role of an image, provide additional information in a file
designated by the "longdesc" attribute:


   <IMG src="97sales.gif" alt="Sales for 1997" 

In sales97.html:

    A chart showing how sales in 1997 progressed. The chart
    is a bar-chart showing percentage increases in sales
    by month. Sales in January were up 10% from December 1996,
    sales in February dropped 3%, ..

You're better off putting that long sentence in your ALT attribute.

So, while you're compliant with Section 508 you're images are not

As now represented, Section 508 does not meet the requirements I would think
members of the WSG would want to support.  There are other instances.

Now, I'm curious ... what is this?  <a href="terms.php">t&amp;c</a>  Looking
at the code I can tell it's "terms and conditions" but if I were blind I'd
have no idea what t&c represents.  Just something else those automated
systems don't check - including Cynthia Says.

And visually I would have questions about some of these elements:  t&c |
xhtml css 508 cc aaa.  Looking at your titles I can see you claim
conformance to WCAG1 AAA.  Unfortunately, Bobby doesn't appear to think so.

Let me invite you to review the ISO HTML Standards and have fun with those.

Thank you for the opportunity to review your site.  I really enjoyed it.

Before anyone points fingers, I will also be redesigning my site again.  I
need to get it back to being accessible like I preach and teach.

Lee Roberts

-----Original Message-----
From: t94xr.net.nz webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] 508??

> Sure, if you explain what on earth you're talking about.
> -- tim
508 is this,

Conformance to web accessability standards produced by the W3C.

Basically those ponts there tell you wats required for 508 compliance.
Its a first and simple step.


The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/ See
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/ See
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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