> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barry Beattie
> kewl. thanx for the clarification
> cheers
> barry.b


Using FIELDSET and LEGEND is also the correct way to group mandatory input
labels and fields together on forms for accessibility.  You group all
mandatory fields together and label them as such.  Then blind users know
which fields are mandatory and which are not.  It makes more sense from a
general usability point of view too. You hardly see it anywhere, but it is
the correct way to do it, because all the current methods are problematic
from an accessibility point of view.

Also, if you go back and read the major GUI Guidelines, web standards follow
the same principles.

But you have to be careful using FIELDSET.  It is so underused that user
agent developers have just about been ignoring it.  It can cause weird
behaviour causing client side scripting bugs and also CSS bugs (mainly not
wrapping within a class, which is often solved by adding a DIV element, just
so text wraps).


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