Peter -

The <code> tag is HTML 4, and represents 'computer code'-

The *CODE* element denotes /computer code/. Visual browsers typically render *CODE* as monospaced text, but authors can suggest a rendering using style sheets <>. Since *CODE* is a structural element, it carries /meaning/, making it preferable to font style elements such as *TT <>* when marking up computer code.

Since spacing is often important when presenting computer code, the *PRE <>* element can be useful as a container for *CODE* elements. When used within other containers, a *CODE* element has multiple spaces collapsed. The following example uses *CODE* within *PRE*:

It does carry meaning, but not the one you are after. If you are marking up a phrase that is of class "filename" (like a phrase that is of class "question", "verb" or "sarcasm") then you may be better off going for <span class="filename">readme</span>, then style that class.


Peter A. Shevtsov wrote:

Hello, List!

I'm writing the computer document (some kind of spec), where file names are mentioned from time to time. So my question is what tag should I use for file names?
Now I use something like that: <code>readme.txt</code>, but I think tha's not semanticaly correct...

What's your oppinion?


Peter A. Shevtsov

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