I'm using Jahia CMS at work (www.jahia.org), however commercial license
is pricey.  Jahia allows you to develop templates from scratch so the
site and content can be as standard as you want to make it.  The admin
and content management interface would not be classed as standards-based
or accessible but if you really needed to, say if Content Editors would
be using assistive technologies, you could go through the source and fix
it up.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Deering [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 3:27 PM
> To: WebStandardsGroup
> Subject: [WSG] What CMSs are Developers Using
> Hi,
> Can I ask what commercial and/or open source CMSs developers 
> on this list use, which ones they prefer, ones they don't 
> like (and for what reasons).  I am asking from the point of 
> view of providing clients with easy to use interfaces, whilst 
> maintaining standards based markup?
> Is anyone using Apache/Cocoon/Lenya, Apache/AxKit or Forrest?
> Regards
> Geoff Deering
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