Hi Thorsten
I have had a quick test on netscape 7.1 - all ok.
Netscape 6.1 - in the section arbeitsproben the links seitenanfang and
details do not work. Otherwise looks good.
However IE 5.2.3 had the most problems.
1. in navigation the selected section remains underlined.
2. sections contact, bewerbung, ubermich the 'contentbox' has a scrollbar
along the bottom which scrolls to the right only a few pixels.
3. between the 'gallery_image' div and the 'image_caption' div there is some
white space which pushes the text down so the blue border at the bottom of
the 'imagebox' cuts through the text.
4. the arbeitsproben section only has no styling at all as if its not
picking up the style sheet I can only see the text and images.
5. when trying to view the screenshots IE complains that it doesnt know how
to handle the mime type 'image/png' ie. the screenshots cant be viewed.

Good luck.

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