Seona Bellamy wrote:

* On pages like About Us and Contact Details, the centre banner apparently
stays stuck at the top of the screen (i.e., the content of the page
disappears under it as you scroll, and it's always on screen). Does anyone
else get this problem? I don't. More importantly, if anyone else does, how
do I make it stay in place?

* If you browse the catalogue, sometimes the product listings don't come up
straight away. The page loads, finishes loading, and expands to its required
height, but the content doesn't show up until you roll your mouse over a
link. Then it magically pops into view. I only get this problem sometimes,
they apparently get it all the time, and I can't figure out why it's

* In the View Details page for any of the products, there should be an
Enquire Now button. It's there on mine. It's not there on the client's. They
don't believe that it's really there at all, in spite of the fact that I can
look in the code and see it.

G'day Seona

I'm afraid that I can't replicate any of the problems at all. I've used Firefox 0.92, IE6, Netscape 7.1, Opera 7.23 on WinXP (with all the latest patches bar SP2) and Safari 1.2 on OSX

However, the latter problem in particular sounds like a caching problem, either on the client's personal system or on their (or their ISP's) proxy server. The other two could potentially be something to do with the clients' settings, whether OS, browser or network

If at all possible, I suggest investigating the problems from the client's computer since you are unable to replicate them yourself. Get the client to show you themselves. Then (if you haven't spotted a problem yet) use their computer yourselves to try replication. If you can replicate, then chase down the problem from there

Sorry I couldn't help more

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