Title: list item markers disappear behind floated image

Try giving the ul list-style-position:inside. No need for additional p or div.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Ottery
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:52 AM
To: Web Standards Group (E-mail)
Subject: [WSG] list item markers disappear behind floated image


I have a problem with images that are floated left and then when a list wraps around that image the list bullet points themselves dont get pushed out by the floated image and instead remain behind (or on top of) the image. to help explain i've put a simple demo page together to show the problem in its most basic form & explain in a bit more detail:


the css is all inline & very basic. the img tag has an empty src on purpose. this is just an *example* of the prob. dont fear, the execution looks better than the example :)

basically what I'm looking for is if there is a way to make the list item markers always "obey" the floated image, but just behave as normal when the image doesnt appear.

any help greatly appreciated. hope i've explained this well enough...


ps: apologies if my emails arrive in your inbox as html or rich text. I send them as plain text and i think the mail server here forces them to be plain/rtf on the way out. please dont reply to this list about this problem.

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