Title: AntiSpam Alert: Request For Authentication



Sent: August 21, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: [WSG] AntiSpam Alert from tbrick52
Importance: High


Hi, this is tbrick52. Your recent email has been delivered to my computer, but because you're not yet in my trusted senders list, it hasn't been placed in my inbox. To get added to my trusted senders list, please reply to this message with my AntiSpam passcode.

Here's all you have to do:

  1. Press Reply
  2. In the body of the reply, type in my AntiSpam Passcode:

  3. Press Send.

When I receive this reply, I will know that it was really you that sent me the email and not a computerized spammer. I will then be able to read all your mail. This authentication will be done only once.

Thank you & have a great day,

Bongosoft AntiSpam authenticates the SENDER of each incoming email. Using our patent-pending Passcode Authentication Technoloy Bongosoft AntiSpam is unmatched at spam elimination while providing you with total control of your incoming email.

For more information about Bongosoft AntiSpam, please visit us at www.bongosoft.com
X-Bongosoft-AntiSpamRFA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


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