Mozilla fans, we need your help. The Mozilla version of the
standards-compliant XHTML WYSIWYG editor "XStandard" is almost ready.
Unfortunately, Mozilla's new scriptable plug-in API announced in June has a
bug that needs fixing before XStandard can be released. The Mozilla
Foundation prioritizes bugs using a voting system. So the makers of
XStandard are asking for your vote to get this bug fixed so they can release
XStandard for Mozilla. What's in it for you?  You get XStandard Lite, a free
standards-compliant XHTML WYSIWYG editor that runs in Mozilla.  If you can
help, please vote to fix bug 254280 at

-Vlad Alexander
XStandard Develpment Team

The discussion list for

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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