On Saturday, Aug 28, 2004, at 01:34 Australia/Sydney, Carlyle Sutphen wrote:


I haven't gotten the hang of getting the CSS block model to work for me.
I think the problem is that I haven't yet come to understand when a block
is contained by another block and how to get blocks to allign horizontally
in a container block.


1. Post a URL where we can see the code and CSS in action. A lot easier than trying to interpret your 'sketches', and the problems are almost certainly to be found in your CSS, not the page markup.

2. Code to Mozilla or Firefox first; IE is almost certainly getting the box model wrong. You'll have to work out how and (maybe) add hacks to cater for IE - although you should (maybe again) be able to write CSS that doesn't need any. Note also that IE/Win is different from IE/Mac.

3. In order to see what your divs are really doing during development and etsting, give them a temporary background colour via the CSS - a different colour fore ach one, and use light colours so your content shows.

4. Your layout looks like a classic header/3 column/footer layout. There's a bunch of templates available online; try
for starters, or search the archives of this list; there's been a lot of links posted in the past.


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