Hello there!!
I've been a member here for some time, and now I will see if I as well can
get some help from you :)

First of all, I'm a beginner so don't shoot me!!

The problem:
On my webpage, I've created an unordered horizontal list for my main
navigation, where I use some homemade buttons as background (link,
visited,hover & active).
I've made those buttons 100px wide, but in the browsers I've tested them out
the hole background image is not visual .

It's a horizontal list, so I have used :{ display: inline; width: 100px;} in
the css, but the {with: 100px;}
declaration, doesn't seem to have any effect at all.
When I use {display:block; width: 100px; } it does'nt seem to be a problem
(other then the list transform in to a vertical list).

Here is the layout:
Here you can see how the buttons really look's like:

I hope here are some experts in this area, who can make may day much better.

I hope you understand both my problem and my "school english" :)

Lennart Fylling

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