Go to Tools | Internet Options and at the bottom of the General tab click
the "Accessibility" button and add your stylesheet there.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ralph
> Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:59 AM
> Subject: [WSG] Change defaults in IE with CSS style sheet
> Hi everyone
> I am wondering if anyone knows how to change the defaults in
> browsers like
> IE.
> I recall someone showed how a user can make their default
> font say Arial,
> 10, etc with particular colour like black on white background. Its all
> configured in a CSS file. So it over rides the CSS style that
> a website
> uses.
> I'd like to do some testing of a site and trying to factor
> this scenario in.
> Off-list responses welcomed..
> Ralph

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