Hi Everyone.  

This started out as a letter asking for help and I ended up solving it in the process 
of writing it.  This has happened several times this week and rather than adding it to 
the dust bin, I thought I'd share the process.  Sometimes just writing out your 
problem helps you define the situation and figure it out yourself.

The following is the original letter as I had planned to send with the problem.

I can't thank you enough for helping me solve several nagging problems this week.  
I've got yet another, probably the last for now, that seems simple enough but I am 
losing my sanity over it.

I have images that I would like the text to wrap around.  In Mozilla Seakoala (I have 
the cool firefox plug-in that changes its name every time I open it), the page 
wrapping looks fine.  The text wraps around the image and all is happy.

In IE, I have to put the image inside the paragraph tag to get it to wrap and I don't 
like this clunky hack. 

Here is the source code where I coded it the proper way:

<img src="../images/eiffel.jpg" width="250" height="165" title="Free quote for quality 
travel insurance plans and trip insurance." alt="photo of the Eiffel Tower"  />
It just takes a few seconds to get a <a href="/csa/preparequote.do" title="Get an 
instant, free travel insurance quote">FREE ONLINE QUOTE</a> for CSA WebDirect&reg;, 
the travel insurance plan that protects your travel 
investment before and during your vacation&#8212;right up to the minute you get back 

Here are the appropriate styles:
p {margin: 1em 0 1em;padding: 0; text-align: left; width:90%;}
img {border:0;}
#maincontent img {float:right; margin:3px;}

When I view this in mozilla the paragraph wraps nicely but the IE paragraph acts as if 
it has cleared and starts after the image.


Here comes my thought process!

I then noticed the paragraph width tag and said to myself:
"Could it be the width:90% that is doing it?  I added the width to keep the paragraphs 
from getting too long."

I then commented out the width and checked, sure enough IE began playing nicely.  So, 
how do I get the good browsers to show the narrower paragraphs and IE the nicely 
floated image?

Before I sent another email to this list asking for the best hack, I cracked open my 
"more Eric Meyers on CSS" book and sure enough in the index was "hiding styles from IE 
win".  Page 52 suggests using the html>body selector.  
So, I took the width:90% out of the above p style and created a new one:
html>body p {width:90%;}
I then tested and so far every thing is hunky dory. http://v4.csatravelprotection.com 

Any comments?  

CSA Travel Protection
CSS God (at least that is what my co-workers have begun calling me lately. I prefer 
omniscient being)> IE5 Mac bugs and oddities : <http://www.l-c-n.com/IE5tests/>
> ******************************************************
> The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/
> Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04 http://we04.com/
> Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
> To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
> See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> ******************************************************

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04 http://we04.com/
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04 http://we04.com/
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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