
    I made my first website for the ohio senate and I used CSS-positioning for most of the website.  The webpage views fine under IE, but in Firefox my News Room section does not display correctly.  The container_frame class(the tan block - added the color so you can see which divblock I'm talking about) I have that is supposed to encapsulate the entire newsroom section, but it closes when a the container_archives class opens for the lower archive section.


   If you look at the "home" section of the page there are a two flash objects imbedded in a similiar layout which displays just fine.  Not sure what the problem is with the news room, I just know if I change the archives_container class from float:left/right to none the container_frame goes down the rest of the way.  I've spent almost 2 weeks now trying different things to fix it and I'm getting really frustrated.  If someone could shed any light on the problem I'd be grateful.  I'm new to CSS, only been playing with it for a little over a month so if there something I'm missing please tell me, I can't learn from my mistakes if I don't know what they are.

So... look at it in IE first and then view it in Firefox to see what I'm talking about.

Thanks for any and all replies,


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