Yes, this is exactly what I am interested in.  Thank you for responding and I will try it out. 
I also want to thank all of you who have responded to my inquiry, and have set the emails aside.
I haven't had time to try them out, but intend to soon.
Nancy Johnson

Lea de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 07:58:51 -0700, Robin Button wrote:
> How can one have an image on the left with a caption below the image, and
> text on the right. I don't want to text to float around the image and I
> don't want to use a table.

so you want:

xxxxxxx lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
xxxxxxx lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
xxxxxxx lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
caption lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum
lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum




lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum lorem epsum

#captionedImageBlock div {
background: url('animage.jpg') no-repeat;
padding-top: Npx;
float: left;
width: Mpx;
#captionedImageBlock p {
margin-left: Mpx;
where N is the height of the image and M is the width of the image
(plus a little)

You'd also want a little bit of spacing around the image, too.

(Thank you for asking, I had a need for this on a page and the answer
sprang straight into my head when I saw your question :))

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems -
Brisbane, Australia
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