
I'm sorry, I didn't really explain myself clearly.  What I meant was in the
CSS for this page, the selector 'img.curve' defines that the following rules
are only intended to be applied to any images with that class. However, in
the markup the class is used in a div tag, not an img one.  It would have
been more accurate to use 'div.curve' - or, if they wanted to use the class
rules for any elements just '.curve' on its own.

Hope this explains what I meant a little better.  I certainly didn't mean to
suggest an element couldn't have a class without a corresponding CSS rule,
only that a CSS-defined class should tie-in to its subsequent use in the
markup.  :)


Iain Gardiner

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jeroen Visser [ vizi ]
Sent: 11 November 2004 23:17
Subject: Re: [WSG] CSS float/clear rendering in Firefox 1.0

Iain Gardiner wrote:
> Another thing I noticed is that you define this class as img.curve, 
> tying it in to images exclusively, but in your markup you use it on a 
> div which is not technically good practice.

Hi Iain,

Could you explain this?

I don't (or thus far didn't) think it's 'technically not good practice' 
to having a class assigned to an element, while not having a matching 
CSS rule. I've used this technique to get Javascripts to identify 
certain hyperlinks, for instance, without the need to apply any special 
styling to these hyperlinks.

In this case it might be a forgotten class set on a div that should've 
been removed, but it would do no harm whatsoever, as there simply isn't 
any CSS rule that applies.

With curious regards,


vizi fotografie & grafisch ontwerp - http://www.vizi.nl/

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