
I note that you're using the proprietary -moz-border-radius to achieve a rounded look just like I decided to a month ago at after evaluating the various rounded corner methods and finding them to be a pain to implement

I contend that while it does make the stylesheet invalid, it shouldnt cause parsing errors because its the last few lines of my CSS file, its use is harmless and is OK for personal sites.

more details

-moz-border-radius-topleft, -moz-border-radius-topright,
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft, -moz-border-radius-bottomright

Support: Netscape 7+, Mozilla 0.95+

Inherited: No

Allowed Values:
- Inherit: Use the value of this property from the parent element.
- [Length]: Specifies a length and unit of the border/corner radius.
- [Percentage]: Specifies a percentage. Not sure of what the percentage relates to.

This property controls the curve radius of borders at the corners, allowing corners to be rounded (otherwise, borders are usually squared off.) The '-moz-border-radius' property is a shorthand method for controlling this effect for each corner. If one value is specified, it applies to all corners. If only two values exist, the first applies to the top-left and bottom-right, while the second value applies to the top-right and bottom-left. If all four values are specified, they control, in order: [top-left] [top-right] [bottom-right] [bottom-left]

Neerav Bhatt
Web Development & IT consultancy - Ramblings Thoughts

Lindsay Evans wrote:
In order to stop Russ from hassling me about it every time I see him,
I've thrown together a small demo/explanation of the latest & greatest
image replacement method (well, 'fancy heading method', really):

I'm sure I'm not the first to use it, but I can't find much mention of
it anywhere else, so I might as well get my name on it before Doug
Bowman or someone does :p

Feel free to point out all the flaws, spelling mistakes, ethically
questionable uses of CSS, etc.

Oh, and I launched my new design over the weekend:

Yes, I am well aware of all of the validation errors, each weighs
heavily upon my soul, but I wanted to get it live before I got bored
with it & started redesigning yet again.

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