Siteman DA - Bent Inge wrote:
My goal is that the pages are accessible, SEO-friendly and that the design will be easy to change. I would really appreciate some quality
feedback on this subject as the cms is suppose to be finished
yesterday :-) The template is validated XHTML and CSS.

The link to the html (xhtml) is and the stylesheet is located at

Tested in Lynx, Opera, Moz/FF and IE6, on win2K-pro.

First impression:
Could probably make something out of this one. I guess that's the idea
since you refer to csszengarden. If so-- not bad. It looks good styled
like that. Just a bit 'wide'. Some good CSS might do the trick.

Source-code, negative:
1: target="_blank" is valid at that doctype, but deprecated in higher
xhtml-versions (for a reason). Not the most visitor-friendly action to
create new windows/tabs, and it breaks the BACK-button.

2: accesskey="T" is valid, but accesskey often interfere with the use of
keys in other software. Something may not work as a visitor is used to.
Result: they don't seem to improve access-- only add confusion.

3: It is always better to put the main content first in the source-code.
Much more efficient with regard to search engines, and improves access
for those who need it the most. Tell 'Skrue McDuck' that.
Skip links helps a lot, so your template do not create any real
accessibility-problems as I see it. Far from ideal though.

4: You've used absolute font-size (px). Doesn't work well in any of my
browsers-- not even in IE/win. The page breaks completely in IE6.

Source-code, positive:
Link-relations is a good thing. I hope you can 'sell' the use of those.


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