
As I've not had a strong cup of Earl Grey this morning, this reply could be as useful as (2) left shoes, but the following url has a pretty solid standards compliant flash-embed method:

http://blog.deconcept.com/2004/10/14/web-standards-compliant- javascript-flash-detect-and-embed/

On Wednesday, November 17, 2004, at 05:47 AM, csslist wrote:

the noraml embed tag will choke on validation as it is a depreciated tag
several ppl have added the work around already

what i do for flash checking is this

open up flash and change the canvas size to 1 pixel by 1 pixel and in the actionscript i just add this line of code

getURL ("main.html")

in this case "main.html" is my main page
and export it in the lowest version of flash that u will accept in your site, u use 6.

then on the index page where u want flash checked u add the movie 1st thing then after that u add the code for getting or upgrade your flash now, i also add lots of search engine goodies on that page

so what happens is that when the page is loaded if the user has at least flash 6 then it redirects them to the main page if not the movie wont be processed and will show the add/upgrade page

make sense?

---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Olajide Olaolorun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 07:50:34 -0500

I am setting up a site that requires flash but i notice that some of
the needed tags for some browsers are not valid...

Can anyone tell me the valid code...

Te last one I tried did not work well with IE5.5 or less...


Best Regards,
Olajide Olaolorun @ www.olajideolaolorun.com
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