hello all - thanks for all great suggestions

in the end, I went with a derivative of James' third idea below, and
did a little php/perl magic:

$plBody is the imported file:

$plBody = preg_replace("/<br \/>/", "::ABBA::", $plBody);
 #Convert all the <br />'s to ::ABBA:: (a rather unlikly string)

$plBody = preg_replace("/<.+?>/", "", $plBody);
  # Drop all other HTML tags

$plBody = preg_replace("/::ABBA::/", "<br />", $plBody);
  #Convert all the ::ABBA::'s back to <br />'s

For this application, the users autorized to post here are really
unlikly to be talking about 1970's popular disco.

Thanks again - and I realize that this is nearing OT-ness, but I
figured my solution might be helpful to others.


On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 22:28:02 +1100, James Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suggest one or more of the following three options:
> 1 running the markup through Tidy - http://au.php.net/tidy
> (You'll have to compile PHP with Tidy - more at link above).
> 2 using an HTML4.0 transitional doctype for the pages that display 3rd
> party markup.
> 3 use strip_tags to remove unwanted markup from the 3rd party stuff -
> http://au.php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php
> > Jonathan T. Sage wrote:
> >
> > >I was wondering if there is an easy way to tell the
> > >browser to render just a section of the page in a HTML4 mode, to avoid
> > >it bombing out.

Jonathan T. Sage
Theatrical Lighting / Set Designer
Professional Web Design

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