I'm about to leave, but can check it for you in about 6 hours or so. What's the address? I'm not sure any more.
Best regards,

Marilyn Langfeld
+1.301.598.3300 business phone
+1.301.598.0532 fax
+1.202.390.8847 mobile

On Dec 2, 2004, at 2:00 PM, Sam Hutchinson wrote:

That is some very kind advice Patrick, thanks.
I have implemented the fixes to the main index.php file, and have dropped
the newsfeeds for now as they were causing some serious validation issues.
The main index.php file now validates fully as valid xhtml and css and works
in Moz / Firebird as intended. Just have to give the homepage some proper
content and work on validating the rest of the site now :)

Anyone running latest Safari on mac that can check the page for me please?

Thanks again.
I love this list :)


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Patrick Lauke
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 04:16
Subject: RE: [WSG] Mozilla / Safari Workaround

Not going to fix all issues (like the two columns being slightly too wide to
but just concentrating on the background:

- as all your elements are outside of the normal document flow, your
only has normal content up until it hits #main. to redress this, add
#footer { clear: both; } at the end of funkdub2.css (or add the clear rule
in your
current #footer definition)

- now, you'll notice how the dropshadow image goes right down to the bottom,
and the footer is in the right place. however, the black background is not
through, as it's obscured by the actual dropshadow gif. simple fix: edit
and make the central bit (currently white) transparent. this way, the black
of the
container's background colour can show through

Hope this makes some kind of sense,

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Hutchinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 December 2004 15:57
Subject: [WSG] Mozilla / Safari Workaround

Managed to get other php pages working properly, but having
issues on both Moz & Safari for the following page:
http://www.funkdub.info/index.php - the background is staying
punched up.
Cant see where the code or css is going wrong.

...would be interested to see if anyone could suggest a fix,
as this is
letting the rest of the site down :(

Cheers Ya'll

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