At 10:19 AM 12/9/04, Sam Hutchinson wrote:
...I can take it because I value the opions of users of this list :)


Action Transport looks like a great project! Here are some very quick comments:

I suggest making the left-hand thumbnails redundant links to each section, so that you can navigate either by clicking on "read more" or by clicking on the image next to it.

Your use of the same coloration for links and headlines is confusing. Better I think to flag links uniquely so the visitor can learn quickly what text is active and what isn't.

The Birdbox image has fallen down below the left column, probably because you haven't allowed enough room for it to float next to the left col. Try counting your pixels more carefully, or perhaps better yet design your layout more loosely so it won't break as easily.

I find the white text on red background ("I was right to trust Action Transport...") too difficult to read.

I find the slowly unfolding nav submenus clever and irritating, and show off someone's javascript tricks more than they show off a concern for the site visitor. I would greatly reduce the unfold duration or scrap it and just let the submenus pop down instantly.

When I hover over items in your right-panel nav menu, the text disappears (turns white?).

Resizing text larger in Firefox (whether using FF's controls or the a+ control on your page) garbles your page heading and renders the nav menu unusable.

Personally I find the stark red & purple a turn-off, but that's personal and I suspect I'm not your target audience.

Glancing at the front page I did catch a typo: "How can you get involed?" missing a v.

Have fun

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