If I have the following on my index page, do I need to repeat it on every page at my site? Doesn't this tag appearing once
send the robots forward to all the other pages?

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />

A robots.txt file is a better option for controlling site-wide search engine behavior.


For a search engine to crawl a site the site must be well-linked, i.e. if a webpage is posted but has no incoming links it won't be 'found' by the spider (unless it is registered separately).

(See reference links and additional related glossary terms for more info on search engines, meta tags etc.)

Andy Kirkwood | Creative Director

MOTIVE | web.design.integrity
ph: +64 4 3 800 800  fx: +64 4 970 9693
mob: 021 369 693
93 Rintoul St, Newtown
PO Box 7150, Wellington South, New Zealand
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