
Michael Wilson wrote:
> What would you consider to be the key standards and accessibility
> settings for Dreamweaver that some of us might be overlooking?

The settings I recommend to people at work....

Accessibility tab:
Enable all of the "Show Attributes when Inserting" options

Code Format tab.
Set "Default Tag Case" to "lowercase"
Set "Default Attribute Case" to "lowercase..."
Set "Centering" to "Use DIV tag"

Code Rewriting tab. Enable...
Fix invalidly nested and unclosed tags
Encode <, >, &, and " in attributed values using &
Encode special characters in URLs using %

New Document tab.
Set the "Make Document XHTML Compliant" option.

I also give instructions on how to change the default HTML file
extension from .htm to .html but that's more about our naming
convention than anything else.

Obviously many people on this list will already have done this; but we
have a lot of users with varying skill levels creating web pages, so
we try to get DW to prompt them for extra info. We have support
material and training to tell them what it all means... of course, you
can lead a horse to water but you can't make them pay attention in
accessibility class :)


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