Title: Re: [WSG] Semantic markup for publication titles
    Contains a citation or a reference to other sources"
So you are not referencing a source, just mentioning a publication.

Seems that the intended use is stretched to include marking-up a publication title using the <cite> tag (when not explicitly referencing content it contains). For example, a title may be provided without the content of a sentence in a bibliography.

The first W3C example doesn't help clarify use:
As <CITE>Harry S. Truman</CITE> said,
<Q lang="en-us">The buck stops here.</Q>
The use of <cite> in this example is at best redundant. Aside from the sentence structure, who said what is not communicated through markup.

The <q> tag even includes a cite attribute. Perhaps something like,
        <q cite="" S. Truman">The buck stops here.</q>
Would have been more appropriate.
(NB: This is not the correct use of the cite attribute as defined by W3C)

I'm aware that the core set of tags is somewhat impoverished though, so I'll settle for <cite> (for now).

Andy Kirkwood | Creative Director

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