Try applying this fix...

to the .entry selector..

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 04:02:41 +0200, Mordechai Peller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marco van Hylckama Vlieg wrote:
> > I have a nagging CSS problem I don't understand... I guess a click on
> > a link will say more than a thousand words:
> While I don't see what the source of the problem, I can put you on the
> proper path to fixing it.
> 1. Clean up you errors. Your page doesn't validate. Fix this and it's
> possible that your problem will be solved. Even if this doesn't solve
> the problem, it'll make it easier to find.
> 2. Don't use inline styles. Having all the styles in one place makes
> them easier to work with and reduces page weight.
> 3. The text goes in the <p>, not the image. OK, this has nothing to do
> with the problem, but it will improve the page semantically, and may
> help with the search engines. Think about, what, after all, is a
> paragraph? Yes, I know, as you said, a picture's worth a thousand word,
> but that doesn't mean it *IS* a thousand words.
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