Title: RE: [WSG] Why style to IE?

One other thing...  Have you not used this method yourself for any particular reason, other than the opportunity just didn't present itself?  Just curious.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mordechai Peller
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 2:01 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Why style to IE?

Collin Davis wrote:

>The bashing of head against the proverbial brick wall comes from trying to make my standards-compliant sites work the same in FF/Opera/NN/Safari as they do in IE. I first make sure the sites look and perform the way I want in both MSIE 5 and 6.  After that is successful, I then start testing in the other browsers.

And there's your mistake. As has been discussed many times on this list and elsewhere, it's much easier and faster to first code to standards and then correct for IE.

>While I do know ECMA-262 (_javascript_), I hate using it.
I don't know how well you do or do not know _javascript_, but I suspect that either you don't know _javascript_ very well (a common occurrence), or don't like to program (do such people really exist?  ;-) ). I have found that the better I come to understand _javascript_, the more I like it; in many ways it is an interesting, powerful little, often misunderstood, language.[1]

Lest I be misunderstood (a seemingly common occurrence of late), I was only guessing to what I felt was a likely source for your comment. You are, of course, equally entitled to your own opinion as I am to mine, and no insult is intended.

[1] "_javascript_:The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language" by Douglas Crockford <http://www.crockford.com/_javascript_/_javascript_.html>

>I can develop much quicker just using a pure markup+css approach, and have no need for scripting.
There's no need to do your own scripting (though that happens to be my preference). All you need to do is plug in Dean Edwards's IE7 <http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/>. While I haven't used it myself, it's gotten good reviews.

>I hope that makes my original post clearer.

I think you've made your point of view clearer.

>In no way did I think Mordechai was suggesting an ignoring an IE, but
>was asking why style to IE specifically, and I was just giving the
>rationale for doing so.

Actually, what I was questioning is why we should limit ourselves to the CSS which IE understands natively when _javascript_ can be such a good translator.

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