On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 10:18:55 +1100, Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] 
> - It may be hard to believe for some, but many computer users do not know
> how to install a different browser. In fact, many of them don't even know
> that there is anything else but IE.

All you say is true.

And there are users who go to the site by entering it's url into
_search field of some search engine_ and then following the first

So what exactly makes you think those users will:

a) know hot to change font size
b) want to change font-size

If b) happens, that means something is already broken - no matter can
user actually change the setting or not.

Why? Because user got distracted from his/her main goal. He has to
fiddle with something.
Worse than that - that fiddling should be repeated, cause other sites
user is used to will appear different and unacceptable.

But there we go into the domain "what the user wants" and that is not so simple.
Especially because users _do not know_ what they really want. 
So I will leave it for now.

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