Hello Helen,

This might work:

{ list-style: none;
  list-style-image: url(../Images/Graphics/arrow.gif); }

Kind regards,

> Hi
> I am trying to have an unordered list that is styled nicely with an
> arrow graphic, however now I get the arrow graphic in my ordered list as
> well.
> Could someone please have a look here:
> http://learnline.cdu.edu.au/wip/css/liststest.html
> and give me an idea of what I can do to get around this.  The lists are
> contained within a class called main left - assuming that this will
> eventually become the left column.
> Thanks very much
> ***********************************************
> Helen Rysavy
> Web Designer, Teaching & Learning Development
> Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory 0909
> Tel: 8946 7779 Mobile: 0403 290 842
> www.cdu.edu.au
> CRICOS Provider No: 00300K
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