Bruno Torres wrote:

I am designing a new layout to my weblog and I'd like you people to
tell me your opinion about it.
The layout is on
All critics and opinions are welcome.
People using mac please, check it for me (iCapture is not working so I
have nowhere to test on mac browsers).


I think that I actually prefer the old layout, however the new one is good too. Main complaint with the new one is the google ads column. Its a lot of space for little content. Maybe you could also have some photography in the header, I like the image used on the previous layout.

Now mark up is whats important on wsg.
Your content type should be "application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8"
I would add a description meta too.
Not sure that you really need the fieldset in the email and search forms.
Otherwise it all seems good.

Didn't see any obvious errors.


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