Title: Re: [WSG] empty named anchors
One reason why you might not want to have content inside of an anchor would be because of the implementation of stylesheets (or more accurately how style rules have been specified).

For example if a hover rule is written for to the <a> element it will be applied to content enclosed in the anchor tag (as well as linked text).

a:hover {color: #900;}

I have come across a couple of instances of this where headings have been enclosed in an anchor, i.e.

<a name="anchor" id="anchor"><h1>Heading text</h1></a>

This causes the text colour of the heading to change when moused-over (although not a link). From an interface perspective this can be quite confusing. (A feedback cue that suggests interaction is possible when it is not).


Andy Kirkwood
Motive | web.design.integrity

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