Welcome to the group and the world of web standards. Hope you will enjoy.
I guess the best place to first direct you to in regards to popup menus
would be this page: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns/
Here we are dealing with a dropdown menu that is build in web standards, and
therefore rather accessible. Although anything on a website that changes
dynamically is always relying on users to have a browser that supports it -
so in this example we require browsers that support the hover effect or
In that respect: if you do want a dropdown menu, always make sure that your
website can still be navigated if the dropdown menu did not show up. 
I don't know much about the code created by Fireworks, but I am sure
somebody else can comment on that for you.


Andreas Boehmer
User Experience Consultant

Phone: (03) 9417 0468
Mobile: (0411) 097 038
Consulting | Accessibility | Usability | Development


        From: Devendra Shrikhande
        Sent: Saturday, 22 January 2005 10:06 AM
        Subject: [WSG] newbie with popup menus question
        I am a newbie (to web standards) and have been inspired by Zeldman's
"Designing with Web Standards". 
        Till now I have been using Fireworks to create popup menus for web
sites. Would welcome feedback from this group on:
        1- How do the popup menus from Fireworks correspond to working
towards XHTML -transitional compliance.
        2- If the above does not validate (would not surprise me if it did
not!) would welcome suggestions on other options for generating pop-up menus
with XHTML-transitional compliance. Also how do popup menus work in the
context of accessibility.
        Look forward to your advice.
                ¤ devendra ¤

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